Akashic Records Readings

This is a remembering of your Soul and its journey.

The Akashic Records offers a powerful experience of energetic realignment so you can uncover your unique path and show up in the world as your most confident, magnetic, and authentic self. 

It will feel like an

After your reading, you’ll feel the tension you’ve been carrying melt off your shoulders as you sink and shift into a deeper awareness of how you are, and have always been, guided, held and seen.

You’ll begin to release what is no longer serving you so you can align with the vision for your life. Your heart will be tapped into the clear directions and path your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones revealed to you.

E X H A L E .


"In all honesty, it was the most profound hour of my life. I'm not exaggerating when I say that it was shifting and clarifying for me on a fundamental level."

Who A reading is for


Anyone looking for higher guidance in their life

Anyone seeking deeper clarity

Anyone wanting to affirm their INTUITION




“It was like a culmination of a bunch of beautiful "aha's" that deeply resonated on a soul level! It was the perfect reminder that I'm on the right path. And I needed that."

The Akashic Records are a vibrational record of every Soul and its journey, containing all past, present, and future possibilities. 

As an open channel and intuitive guide, Hilary leads you into the Records with deep clarity and a tender approach. There’s no rushing or forcing. This is a natural and open space for you to explore questions, dig deeper, and hold trust for the process. She is there to make the experience comfortable and approachable so you come out of it with the assurance and revelations you’ve been looking for to live your divine destiny.


What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are a vibrational record of every Soul and its journey, containing all past, present, and future possibilities. Once reserved only for mystics, saints, and scholars, the Records are now available to everyone, providing the wisdom, guidance, and support we need in this lifetime. Everything that has life force has an Akashic Record and there are infinite questions to ask your Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones to experience empowering and transformational insights on your journey.

How do I sign up for a reading?

You can sign up for a reading here or at the link above.

What is a group reading like?

We begin our 90-minute call with a grounding meditation before opening the Records of the group and exploring the guidance and insights of the Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones. Participants will also have the opportunity to ask individual questions as well as group questions. After an hour, I’ll close the Records and we will connect and integrate as a group to energetically close the container. It is a deeply impactful and transformational experience for all who are present.

What kinds of questions can I ask?

Come prepared with 3-5 questions written down before our session. When working on your questions, be as specific as possible and try not to ask yes/no and should/shouldn't questions. Instead, start questions with How, What or Why. If you need help finding the right questions, my $22 Ebook with 222+ questions to ask the Records is available here.

What is a one-on-one reading like?

We will begin our session with a brief meditation to ground before I open your Records. After your reading, I’ll close the Records by reciting the Closing Prayer and then we will connect for a few minutes to energetically close the container. All readings are 100% confidential and offer deep clarity, direction, answers, and support through every season of life.


“I felt the doubt and second-guessing of my current path fall away and now feel so much excitement and gratitude for what the future holds. Hilary has such a beautiful and nurturing energy and is extremely gifted in what she does."