Reflecting On 7 Years Post-Transplant



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Today I am celebrating 7 years since receiving a life-saving bone marrow transplant, also known as my 7th birthday!

This time of year always comes with a healthy dose of reflection but even more so, a potent reminder of how precious health is, and how grateful I am to have received a second chance at life. For those that aren’t familiar with my transplant story, I wrote about it on the blog here.

I openly share about my experience now, but when I first got sick, I had SO much resistance to owning my story. I just wanted to get through that time in my life and then pretend like it never happened. I thought it would be a small bump in the road and life would resume as normal.

The first few months post-transplant were a huge wake-up call, I needed all the support available to me and I couldn’t deny that this single event had changed the entire course of my life.

Today, in celebration of my 7th birthday, I am sharing 7 lessons I have learned on my healing journey since December 22, 2011.

Our bodies are more resilient than we give them credit for

At the beginning of my diagnosis, I didn’t once question that I would get through this. In my mind, dying wasn’t even an option. As I endured more physical pain than I even knew possible, I had moments of questioning my own strength to handle it all. Time and time again I was shown that the body is a miracle and is capable of miracles.

Healing is possible on all levels but we must first trust what our bodies are capable of.

Patience is everything

This is an ongoing lesson of life but especially important when you are healing physically. The body heals on its own time, it can’t be rushed. When we try to push anything in life, that energy often results in the opposite of what we are trying to achieve. Being kind, gentle and forgiving opens up the space to allow healing in time.

Your story is YOUR story

There are a lot of stories out there about another person's experience but it is so important to remember that just because someone had a specific experience, doesn’t mean that will be your experience. People rarely share the successful outcome (they just move on with their life), so always keep that in mind! This was one of my biggest inspirations for sharing why my transplant was such a positive catalyst in my life.

Consistency is key

Once you understand your needs, showing up for yourself is everything. The practices and tools that connect us back to ourselves and keep us grounded need to be prioritized every single day.

Laughter is the best medicine

I truly don’t know how I would have made it through my darkest days without laughter. My parents, sisters, and Dan constantly kept me laughing (whether it was naming my IV pole, swollen belly or just being their silly selves). Plus lots of funny shows when I couldn’t leave the bed.

Reach out for support

We are not meant to go through this journey alone. Reaching out to trusted family and friends and prioritizing finding your support system is so important. If you are looking for support, let’s connect over a session.

Document your journey

Throughout my journey, I took photos, videos and journaled. I don’t know if I will ever share these with anyone but I didn’t do it to share, I did it to document my experience. I am so thankful I did because I can look back now and reflect on how far I have come.

Happy Winter Solstice, I am so grateful to have you on this journey with me. Wishing everyone a happy and healthy holiday!

Lots of love,

Hi, I'm Hilary

Welcome to my blog. Alongside lifestyle tools, healing practices, and consciously curated finds, you’ll have full access to Akashic education to support your journey.

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