How To Use The Akashic Records To Create Your Conscious Business



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If you’ve felt a pull toward starting a conscious business, the Akashic Records can help you connect more deeply to your purpose and co-create the business of your dreams with the Divine.

In this post, we will dive into:

  • Why your conscious business is an expression of your Soul

  • How the Akashic Records can support you in creating a conscious business

  • Questions to ask the Akashic Records around launching a conscious business

  • The importance of your why in your conscious business 

  • How to choose an aligned business model


How do I co-create a conscious business with the Divine?

This is a question I hear often in my Akashic Records readings. For many of us, the ultimate dream is to align our work with our Soul’s purpose. Many of my clients feel an intuitive pull toward entrepreneurship because it provides an opportunity to use their unique gifts to serve others and create an abundant life for themselves.

Have you felt this pull? Has your intuition subtly (or maybe not so subtly) been nudging you to create a conscious business of your own? Maybe you’ve heard that whisper, but something is holding you back — whether it’s fear, indecision, or feeling stuck not knowing your next step. 

If you’re feeling this way, know that you aren't alone in it. The Akashic Records can support you in creating the conscious business of your dreams. Through the Akashic Records, you can discover what your conscious business is meant to be, who you’re here to serve, what your mission is, and how you can feel in flow in your work. 

As a conscious entrepreneur, your business is an expression of your Soul. You can utilize the Akashic Records to more deeply understand and connect to that expression.

To begin, I suggest going into the Records with more high-level questions about your conscious business journey. From there, you can hone in on more specific questions. 

Here are 5 big questions you might consider asking the Records — and why it’s important to understand each as a conscious entrepreneur:

1) Why am I meant to start this conscious business? 

This is your WHY, or the mission behind your business. It’s essential to get clear on your why before you launch a conscious business because it will be your guidepost that impacts all your decisions moving forward. 

The Akashic Records are so powerful for tapping into your why! Often when starting a business, we can be influenced by societal standards, market research to see what others are doing, comparisons on social media, and even the opinions of friends and family. There’s pressure to conform to outdated and patriarchal notions of what a business “should” be or how it “should” operate. This strays us away from our purpose. The Akashic Records help you release the “should” mindset and connect to why your Soul wants to create something. 

When your why comes from your Soul, you will feel more ownership, passion, and pride in your business and it will have longevity — even when you hit roadblocks and things get tough. No matter what, your why will drive you!

2) What are my talents, gifts, and abilities that I can pour into my conscious business?

Another way of asking this is, “What am I meant to create that only I can bring into the world?” This is a beautiful foundation for your conscious business because it is rooted in you and what makes you unique. It’s important not to look to other people to see how they’re building their career. Sometimes I hear people say, “Well it’s working for them, why isn’t it working for me?” The answer is always this: You are not them; you are YOU and that’s what makes you special.

The Akashic Records can help you uncover the gifts that will serve your conscious business. The messages you receive from the Records will often reaffirm a gift or talent you know you have, but you may have been undervaluing. For example, maybe you know you love making crafts but you think, “Oh, that’s just a hobby.” Or perhaps writing comes easily to you, so you assume everyone can do it and no one would pay you for it. The Akashic Records can help illuminate that YES, these gifts are also meant to become your conscious business.

3) How does my conscious business serve not just me, but my community and the collective?

There are so many ways to give back to the planet and to the collective consciousness through your work. When your business impacts not just you but others, that is when it will really thrive and you will feel aligned with your Soul’s purpose. Your conscious business can serve in many ways, both directly and indirectly. In more direct examples, it can have a give back component, your products can be ethically sourced, or environmentally conscious. You can also be serving your audience and community by guiding them on their healing journeys, sharing your expertise, bringing more beauty into the world through art — the options are limitless! 

To hone in on how you can serve, you can ask the Akashic Records more specific questions like:

  • How can I support the environment through my work?
  • How can I support social justice through my work?
  • How am I meant to serve in my community? 
  • How can my community find me? 
  • How do I want people to feel when they experience my work?

4) What is my most aligned conscious business model?

This question has to do with what format best serves you and your audience. Some conscious businesses offer one-on-one coaching, group courses, in-person workshops, events, books, etc. What is best for others may not be what is best for you. For example, at the beginning of last year, I ran my first group course program. I had witnessed others run similar programs, and I thought it made sense as a next step in my business. For me personally, the format did not feel aligned. It was an important learning for me. 

Everyone has a unique way of expressing themselves through their business, and the Akashic Records can help you feel into what is the most aligned model for you. This will help you be your most creative and authentic self, which will ultimately attract the right clients for your business. 

5) How am I meant to use my energy in my conscious business? 

The Akashic Records can help you discover how to set up your daily schedule to feel your most productive, protect your energy, and avoid burnout. I’ve found that so many people push themselves in ways that are unaligned with their Soul’s purpose — and then they wonder why they feel drained, unfulfilled, and are not magnetizing what they want in their life. Your conscious business will thrive when you protect and harness your energy. From there, everything will flow!

Here are some more specific questions you can ask the Akashic Records about launching your conscious business:

  • What is missing from the industry that I’m meant to create? 

  • What type of support do I need to launch my business? 

  • What area of my work should I be focusing my attention on? 

  • What offerings will be the most supportive for my community? 

  • What do I need to release to feel more in alignment with my work? 

  • What is the next best step I can take for my business/career today?


Creating a conscious business is a beautiful and exciting opportunity to express yourself and come into alignment with your Soul’s purpose. The Akashic Records can support you in building a business that is purpose-driven, abundant, and authentic to you. 

Want to explore the Akashic Records more deeply to co-create your conscious business? 

If you’re feeling called to explore the Akashic Records more, I suggest starting with The Akashic Portal.

The Akashic Portal is a heart-centered offering for conscious healers, creatives, and change-makers to learn how to utilize the magic of the Akashic Records in their life and business.

Learn more and sign up for The Akashic Portal here


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