Master List of Ways To Use The Akashic Records



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You can tap into the Akashic Records for many different purposes, no matter where you are in your Soul’s journey. In this post, we’ll explore 30 unique ways you can use the Records in every stage of your journey.

How can I use the Akashic Records?

I hear this question all the time and it may sound simple or straight forward, yet the answers — and the possibilities — are endless! What I love about the Akashic Records is that they have so many varied and powerful uses. 

No matter what you are going through or what questions you have, you can feel safe and supported in the Records. The Akashic Records will only give you the information that is in your highest good, and they will often affirm and strengthen your own intuition. 

The Akashic Records are especially supportive during times of awakenings, growth, and transitions. We’ll explore some of the most common uses for the Akashic Records here together, but I also invite you to explore on your own. If you’re feeling called to a question or a topic within the Records, there is a reason for that. Trust that instinct and allow the Records to support you! 

In this post, you will learn:

  • 30 ways to use the Akashic Records

  • How to access the Akashic Records to support you in beginnings

  • How to use the Akashic Records for growth

  • How to use the Akashic Records for healing

  • How to access the Akashic Records to ease transitions 

  • Unconventional ways to use the Akashic Records

How To Use The Akashic Records For:


When you’re entering a new stage in your life, the Akashic Records can help you feel more grounded and clear. Here are some examples of when you can turn to the Records:

Moving to a new area

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What do I need to know about my new area? 

  • What actions can I take to connect with community near me? 

  • What is this move meant to teach me?

Launching a business

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I co-create a conscious business with the Divine?

  • What is the mission of my business? 

  • Who am I meant to serve in my business?

Welcoming a baby

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I support and nurture my child?
  • How can I cultivate presence with my child?
  • What do I need to know about being a parent?

Starting a new friendship or relationship

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I nurture my relationship with [insert name]?

  • How can I be the most supportive partner or friend to [insert name]?

  • What will my relationship with this person teach me?

Uncovering your gifts

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What are my unique gifts, talents, and abilities? 

  • What are the best ways for me to use them at this time in my life?

  • What role does [insert hobby/passion] play in my life?


We as humans are all meant to evolve, but growth can be messy and even scary at times. The Akashic Records can support you through: 

Connecting to your Soul’s purpose

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What is my Soul’s purpose?

  • How can I align with my Soul’s purpose?

  • How can I best serve others?

Navigating relationships

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I strengthen and expand the relationships in my life?

  • How can I more deeply support my friendships? 

  • How can I improve my relationship with [insert name here]? 

Embodying your highest self

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What is my Highest Self meant to do in this life?

  • How can I co-create my life with the Divine? 

  • How can I create space for Miracles in my life?

Evolving in your career or business

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What is the next best step I can take in my business?

  • What kind of support do I need for my business or career?

  • What area of my work should I be focusing my attention on?

Tapping into abundance

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I co-create abundance with the Divine? 

  • What does abundance mean to me?

  • What limiting beliefs am I still holding onto about money? How can I release them?

Tapping into creativity

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How is my creativity Divinely expressed?

  • What rituals support me in connecting with my creativity? 

  • What is blocking me from fully expressing my creativity?

Managing your energy

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What does being productive mean for me?

  • How can I feel more ease and flow in my schedule? 

  • How can I best set up my day for success?

Calling in a partner

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I co-create a Divine relationship in my life? 

  • What qualities are most important for me to look for in a partner? 

  • What do I need to release to find my Divine relationship?


This can mean emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual healing. Here are some examples: 

Discovering healing spiritual practices

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I co-create my healing with the Divine? 

  • What tools / practices / rituals are most supportive for my healing? 

  • What’s blocking me from being able to heal?

Learning how to support your health & wellbeing

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What actions should I be taking to nourish and support my body? 

  • What diet is most supportive for my health and wellbeing? 

  • What is my most aligned wellness routine?

Exploring past lives

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What is important for me to know about my past lives?

  • What roles and qualities did I embody in past lives?

  • What happened in a past life that is contributing to this current issue?

Building trust in your intuition

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How do I receive intuitive messages?

  • How can I trust my intuition? 

  • How can I feel more connected to myself?

Releasing emotions and judgements

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What is the root of my self-criticism? How can I release it? 

  • How can I release my feelings of [jealousy, anger, fear, shame, etc.]?

  • What stories or beliefs are keeping me small? How can I release them?

Building self-love

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I be the embodiment of love?

  • What actions can I take to expand my self-worth? 

  • What tools and practices will support me in building confidence?


Life shifts — big or small — can feel disorienting and may cause you to question yourself. The Records will help you build trust in your intuition so you can more easily navigate any of life’s transitions. Here are some examples:

Going back school

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What do I need to know about this experience?

  • How can I support myself [mentally, physically, or emotionally] in my education? 

  • How can I best manage my time with school commitments?

Applying for a new job

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What unique talents and abilities will I bring to this role? 

  • What does success look like for me in this role? 

  • What actions can I take to magnetize this opportunity to me?

Dealing with a health diagnosis or the diagnosis of a loved one

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How can I care for and nurture myself in the wake of this diagnosis? 

  • How can I care for and nurture my loved one through this? 

  • What am I meant to learn from this experience?

Moving through a divorce or break-up

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • How do I release my relationship with [insert name]?

  • How can I support myself in healing? 

  • What am I meant to learn from this experience?

Leaving or switching careers

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What am I meant to take with me from my previous career?

  • What do I need to release to feel more in alignment with my work? 

  • What is the next best step I can take for my career today?

Unconventional Ways To Use The Akashic Records

Many people don’t realize this, but the Akashic Records are not only for tapping into human energetics. In addition to using the Akashic Records for yourself and other people, you can also open the Records for an animal, a place, an experience, or another entity. 

Everything in life has its own energy and its own journey that it has been on. You can honor that by opening up the Records and connecting to that energy. 

You can open the Akashic Records for:

A home: 

It is a beautiful practice to open the Records when you move into a new space. You should not open the Records for a property you don’t own. If you rent your home, it’s best to ask the landlord for permission.

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What do I need to know about my new home?

  • How can I clear the energy of my home? 

  • What designs would be supportive in this space?

An animal:

This is an amazing way to connect with and support a pet. For example, I have opened the Akashic Records for a client’s cat who was ill. The Records were deeply supportive in learning how she could nurture and support her sweet cat. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What do I need to know about my pet? 

  • How can I support my pet?

  • How can I help my pet feel healthy and loved?

A wedding:

Wedding planning can be stressful and overwhelming. Opening the Records for your wedding can help you feel more at ease and centered in your planning process.

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What do we need to know about the wedding? 

  • How can this wedding be the most expansive experience? 

  • How is the couple meant to experience support in the planning process?

A business:

When I open the Records for myself vs. my business, they offer me a completely different perspective. I can tap into the energy of what my community needs as opposed to what’s coming through me personally. It allows me to take a step back and see the bigger picture for my business. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What is the mission of this business? 

  • What does my audience and community need? 

  • What offering will be most supportive for my community?

A relationship:

In a partnership, two people have different energies and journeys — and the relationship itself is its own entity with a distinct energy. Exploring a relationship through the Akashic Records allows you to see what will be supportive for the relationship as a whole, not just the individuals in it. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What do we need to know about this relationship? 

  • How can we nurture this relationship? 

  • How can we foster communication in this relationship?

A book you’re writing or a piece of art you’re creating:

Opening the Records for a project will shine light on what it is meant to be, who it is meant to serve, and how it wants to express itself. This can create a powerful creative spark!

Questions to ask the Akashic Records:

  • What do I need to know about this project?

  • What does this book or piece of art want to express?

  • How is this piece of art or literature meant to support others?

When you open the Records for one of these purposes, instead of stating the full legal name (as you would with a person), instead give the name of the pet, business name, the address of a home, or the name of the project you’re creating. 

This is an invitation to get playful and think outside the box — the possibilities within the Records are limitless!


The Akashic Records are a powerful tool you can tap into and utilize for many different reasons. No matter what questions you are navigating, the Records will help you affirm your intuition and guide your path. 

Want to learn more about how to access the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Portal is a heart-centered offering for conscious healers, creatives, and change-makers to learn how to utilize the magic of the Akashic Records in their life and business.

Learn more and sign up for the membership here

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