Receive: The Third Pillar Of The Practice Framework



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I've introduced you to The Practice Framework and we've explored the first two pillars – Create Space and Trust. These steps will prepare you to build the necessary foundation for this final transformative pillar — Receive.

This step is about fully embracing and utilizing the insights and guidance you gain from the Akashic Records, integrating them into your daily life and co-creating with your guides. In other words, this is where the magic happens!

In this post, WE WILL EXPLORE:

  • The significance of receiving in your Akashic Records practice
  • How to welcome, integrate, and act on the insights you receive
  • Why the act of receiving is crucial for transformation
  • Practical tips to deepen your practice of receiving
  • The Magic Of Receiving

    Receiving is the culmination of your work with the Akashic Records. It's the moment when you take the messages that have been revealed and actively incorporate them into your life.

    This is not just about understanding or acknowledging these messages, it's about living them.

    Welcoming the Insights

    Begin by being open to whatever comes through during your sessions. This may include unexpected answers, challenging truths, or affirming messages that resonate deeply. Embrace them all with an open heart and mind.

    Integrating the Guidance

    Once you receive these insights, the next step is to think about how they can be applied. Whether it's a small shift or a major life change, consider how this guidance can be woven into your daily actions and decisions.

    Acting on the Wisdom

    Finally, take action on the wisdom you have received. Each message holds the potential to shift your understanding, expand your awareness, or alter your path in meaningful ways. Every intentional action step you take (big and small!) is a step towards deeper alignment.

    Why Receiving Matters

    The act of receiving and integrating the wisdom of the Akashic Records is what makes your practice feel so nourishing and supportive. It turns passive learning into intentional action. Without this step, the insights remain as concepts rather than lived experiences.

    Deepening Your Practice Of Receiving

    To enhance your ability to receive and integrate the guidance from the Akashic Records, I encourage you to give yourself the space to reflect after each session. Journaling can be particularly supportive (my Akashic Journal is one of my most cherished possessions), as it allows you to process and make sense of the messages you receive. Reflect on how the guidance aligns with your path and how it can be manifested in your actions.

    Explore Receiving With Our Courses

    If you're ready to deepen your practice of receiving, our course How To Read The Akashic Records provides a comprehensive roadmap to work with this magical energy. For an even more immersive experience, The Akashic Portal: All-Access Pass offers you ongoing access to our entire course library and app, supporting you as you learn to receive and apply the wisdom of the Akashic Records in every aspect of your life.

    In wrapping up this series on The Practice Framework, I hope you feel empowered to not only access but truly live out the insights and messages you receive from the Akashic Records.

    Remember, your relationship with the Records is a co-creation. Just like any other relationship, it takes time, energy, and trust to truly enter in and establish a consistent presence and practice. The Records aren't a one-and-done modality, but a sacred tool that desires to be in conversation with you in an infinitely deeper co-creative experience.

    Hi, I'm Hilary

    Welcome to my blog. Alongside lifestyle tools, healing practices, and consciously curated finds, you’ll have full access to Akashic education to support your journey.

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