Cultivating Abundance In Your Life With The Akashic Records



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Abundance looks and feels different for everyone. In this post, we will explore what abundance means to you and how the Akashic Records can support you in cultivating abundance in every aspect of your life. 


  • How to define abundance for yourself

  • How the Akashic Records can support you in redefining abundance 

  • How to cultivate an abundance mindset with the Akashic Records

  • Ways for cultivating abundance with your time and energy, as well as mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, and financially

  • Questions to ask the Akashic Records to help you in cultivating abundance


What does abundance mean to you? 

When we hear the word “abundance” or “abundance mindset,” the first thing that usually comes to mind is financial abundance. For some, that can feel aligned to your Soul’s purpose. For others, abundance can mean something else entirely. 

Abundance looks and feels different for everyone. It could be supporting yourself financially through your business, being a full-time parent, pursuing a creative goal freely, or living in nature growing your own food. These are just a few examples — the possibilities for abundance are infinite.

Sometimes we think abundance means one thing, but we discover that our idea of abundance is not really our own — it can come from family or societal expectations rather than our own Soul. To define this for yourself, I invite you to explore your relationship to abundance through the Akashic Records. 

How the Akashic Records can clarify your relationship to abundance

There is absolutely no pressure to know your personal definition of abundance before you enter the Records. The Records can help illuminate and affirm it for you. 

I suggest going into the Records with a few big-picture questions such as: 

  • What does abundance mean to me? 

  • What does it feel like to have an abundant life? 

  • How can I co-create abundance with Divine? 

With many clients in my 1-on-1 readings, the messages that come through often reaffirm what they already know in their heart and what feel aligned with their Soul’s purpose

Depending on what comes through, you can then focus your Akashic questions on one or two specific areas of your life. Let’s explore each area together! 

7 Ways To Cultivate Abundance With The Akashic Records

Cultivating abundance with your time

Time is our most finite and precious resource. The Akashic Records can support you in cultivating abundance around how you utilize your time. This is an invitation to get really clear on where your time is going, where you want it to go, and what can be released to create more spaciousness in your calendar. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records: 

  • How am I meant to use my time?

  • How do I create more time in my day-to-day life?

  • What do I need to release to create more spaciousness? 

  • How can I create boundaries around my time? 

  • What is the most aligned schedule for me? 

Cultivating abundance with your energy

When you feel energized by the work you’re doing or the projects you’re putting time into, this is when you know you’re in alignment. The Records can support you in tapping into your Soul’s purpose, which gives you energy and creates flow and ease in your life. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records: 

  • How can I feel more ease and flow in my schedule? 

  • What does being productive mean for me? 

  • How can I have more energy in my day? 

  • How can I best manage my energy? 

  • What am I giving my energy to that wants to be released? 

Cultivating abundance mentally 

The book A Course in Miracles tells us that a miracle is a “shift in perception from fear to love.” The Records can support you in tapping into that perspective shift for yourself. You can invite in guidance on what your experiences are meant to teach you, how situations are unfolding for your highest good, and how you can approach challenges from a heart-centered place. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records: 

  • What lessons is my current situation meant to teach me?
  • How can I live a more heart-centered life?
  • How can I more fully embody my Truth? 
  • How can I shift my mindset to magnetize more abundance? 
  • How can I be my most magnetic self? 

Cultivating abundance emotionally

The Akashic Records can provide resources to help you move through different emotions as they come up and navigate the inevitable triggers of life with grace. They can also support you to call in aligned relationships and connections that will support your evolution.

Questions to ask the Akashic Records: 

  • How can I cultivate aligned relationships and community? 
  • How can I find my Soul family?
  • How can I strengthen and expand the relationships in my life? 
  • What is this emotion here to teach me? 
  • How can I navigate my emotions from a place of high self worth? 

Cultivating abundance spiritually 

This is about a connection to something bigger than yourself. Through the Records, you can explore what Source and Divine mean to you, how to tap into spiritual practices that ground you, and how your connection to Source touches every aspect of your life. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records: 

  • How can I connect more deeply to a higher power?

  • How can I deepen my connection with my guides? 

  • How can I feel supported by Source, Divine, or a higher power? 

  • How can I create space for Miracles in my life? 

  • How can I cultivate deep trust in my spiritual journey? 

Cultivating abundance physically

By tapping into the practices that support your physical wellbeing, you can cultivate a deeper connection to your body, feel more abundant in your health journey, and live from a place of embodiment. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records: 

  • What do I need to understand about my body? 

  • What actions should I be taking to nourish and support my body? 

  • How can I move in a way that will support my body? 

  • How can I feel more embodied and at home in my body? 

  • How can I co-create my physical healing with Divine? 

Cultivating abundance financially

When you are living your Soul’s purpose and taking action from a heart-centered place of alignment, abundance will flow. It may not look exactly how you thought it would, but you can trust that you are always being supported and taken care of in a way that serves your highest good. 

Questions to ask the Akashic Records: 

  • How can I expand my ability to call in financial abundance? 
  • What is blocking me from financial abundance that I’m unaware of? 
  • What limiting beliefs/stories am I holding onto about money? How can I release them? 
  • What is the best next step I can take to have financial abundance? 
  • How can I create more ease, trust, and flow with money? 


You have the power to define abundance for yourself and you can co-create a beautifully abundant life with the Akashic Records.

Want to learn more about how the Akashic Records can support you?

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