How I Am Stepping Into Heart-Led Action — And How You Can Too



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This year I’ve made some big shifts in my business and how I serve this community. My intention is to open up about my own journey in hopes of inspiring you on your path. I will be sharing the lessons I’ve learned, and invitations for you to take impactful, vulnerable, and heart-led action.

In this post, you will learn:

  • How I am shifting my business and stepping into my name in 2023

  • My personal journey of releasing perfectionism and tapping into my inner knowing

  • What came through for me when I disconnected from social media

  • Tips for moving past perfectionism and into heart-led action

  • How the Akashic Records can support you in taking heart-led action 


My word for 2023 is ‘service.’ It is my greatest intention and highest purpose — this year and always — to serve you, my community. The question I always ask myself is, ‘How can I be of greater service?’ Lately, the answer has come through more clearly than ever. This message — which came to me through my guides, the Akashic Records, and most importantly, my deep intuitive knowing — has led me to make some big shifts in my business. Exciting, beautiful, and (honestly) scary changes that are unfolding right now. 

Because these shifts are in service of YOU, I always want you to be the first to know about them. So, my big news: Moving forward, I will be releasing the name The Dreamerie and stepping, proudly and powerfully, into my own name, Hilary Pearlson. This business is me; it comes from my Soul, so it feels right that it has my name. 

Your highest expression will look different, but you may see pieces of yourself in my story. You may recognize the ways in which you’re not allowing yourself to be fully seen, whether because of fear, perfectionism, or resistance to change. 

In sharing my story, my intention is to invite you to move toward courageous, vulnerable, and heart-led action. I know it can be scary because I’m moving through it, too. How about we walk this path together? 

What Led Me Here

Before I share more about where I’m going, I want to reflect on how I got here — to this place of clarity and inner knowing. The catalyst was actually another life-changing event. At the end of last year, I married my partner of 13 years. I knew my wedding would be a portal of expansion and transformation, but I wasn’t prepared for all the ways it would catapult me into my next chapter. 

During my wedding weekend, a lot unfolded that fundamentally shifted who I am as a person. I released old stories of who I am and how I show up in the world, and misbeliefs about what I’m capable of. In the wake of this release, I gained a lot more: a deepening of my relationship and Soul connection, memories that still feel like a dream, and an unwavering trust in myself and my power. 

Immediately after my wedding, I felt a strong pull to disconnect from social media and allow myself to ground down and be fully present in everything I was moving through. I trusted that call.

Without social media, I didn’t have anyone else’s content, energies, and opinions flooding into my own. In the quiet, my inner knowing could be heard loud and clear. 

What Came Through…

To step into my name

I had a strong whisper of intuition, both inside and outside of the Akashic Records, that my business needed to shift. My guides were very clear — it was time to release The Dreamerie as a brand name. This felt extremely vulnerable for me. In a way, this name has been my security blanket. It’s allowed me to show up in my business without fully being seen as myself. The truth is, The Dreamerie has always been me. While I have received support from some amazing souls, The Dreamerie is ultimately my mission, my vision, my voice. It’s time it had my name. 

To honor my energy cycles

As you may know, I am a low-energy solopreneur who lives with chronic illness and fatigue. I used to put a lot of pressure on myself to fight against that and constantly create. I’ve come to embrace that this is who I am, it is part of my story, and I can honor it in how I structure my workflow and business. 


I used to get wrapped up in the idea that everything I put out into the world had to be a ‘perfect’ creative representation of myself — and that I couldn’t release anything until it met that impossible standard. 

This false narrative has been holding me back for so long. Recently, I asked myself, ‘How much more freely can I create if I let this go? How can I have more impact if I release this perfectionism?’ I realized that I can be in service simply by showing up as my imperfect, authentic self.

Have you felt stifled by perfectionism, too? I want to offer invitations to move past this block. Here is what has served me in my own journey. 

Invitations For Releasing Perfectionism and Embracing Heart-Led Action

Trust in the timing

Sometimes when we have a vision or download, we feel like we need to take action right away. For me, when I got clear on changing the name of my business, I felt an internal pressure to immediately jump in, announce it to you, change my website, and rebrand. 

But I gave myself permission to slow down and feel into my body to discover the most aligned timing. Our bodies are our greatest teachers; they communicate everything we need to know. My body told me that I deserved space to just be with this next big step before I did anything else. If you are moving through something too, don’t rush your process. Trust that you know when is right, and it will all unfold in diving timing. 

Allow yourself to grieve

This may be a beautiful AND heartbreaking time for you — both can be true at once. When you’re expanding into a new version of your life, you are also letting go of aspects of yourself. It’s natural that you will grieve those parts. I have been intensely grieving The Dreamerie and all the ways it has held and served me over the years. Still, I feel joy for what’s to come!

We are multidimensional beings. We have the capacity to hold both excitement for where we’re going while processing where we’ve been. 

Bring gentle curiosity to what feels like a barrier

Does your next action feel terrifying? Do you feel unprepared or unworthy? I encourage you to sit with those emotions and be in conversation with them, as uncomfortable as that might be. Gently ask yourself, ‘What is underneath this emotion?’ Often, you’ll find medicine there. 

Getting really honest with myself (and you!), my greatest fear was using my own name and then feeling like I wasn’t accepted. With The Dreamerie, I could hide behind the name and tell myself that if people didn’t like it, it was just the brand that didn’t resonate. It wasn’t me. 

Once I saw this fear for what it was, I could face the fact that I’m not for everyone and that’s OK. In fact, I don’t want to be. The quote, “If you’re for everyone, then you’re for no one” really resonates with me. You can lead with your truth and the fullness of who you are. The people who are meant for you will find you. 

Learning to be in conversation with your emotions is an ongoing practice. Exploring shadow work and inner child work has been transformative and nourishing for me in this process. If you feel called, you can go deeper into this work in my Cultivating Inner Awareness course within the Be Your Own Healer Bundle. 

Take baby steps

When you have a big dream in mind, it can be tempting to focus on the final destination. But as the cheesy saying goes, “It’s the journey, not the destination that matters.” So, how can you find joy and fulfillment in the journey? How can you celebrate your baby steps along the way? 

Some days, I have energy to do readings. Other days, I may be able to write one email newsletter. This may not seem like a lot, but it is all moving toward my bigger vision. I have found so much enjoyment in relishing in these small steps, and I think the joy shines through in my work.

Be gentle with yourself

When we are taking bold steps, our inner mean voice may come out. That voice can scream at us, ‘Who do you think you are? This is a waste of time. You’re taking too long.’ Remember, that voice isn’t you — and it does not have power over you unless you give it that power. Instead of letting it run the show, tune into the quieter voice of loving compassion that also exists within you. If you need an external reminder, put loving notes and affirmations around your home where you can see them. 

Being gentle with yourself is also about prioritizing rest — this has come through for me in the Akashic Records again and again. Allowing myself to rest and be soft in this process has helped me build an inner strength that makes me feel more clear and aligned than ever before. 

Look to the Akashic Records for guidance

Working with the Records was an essential part of this journey for me. As always, the Records help me tap into my inner knowing so I can discover deeper truths. I encourage you to explore the Records to help you connect with your spirit team and feel held and supported in your process, whatever you are moving through. 

Remember, these dreams are alive within you for a reason. It will all come together in aligned timing, in perfectly imperfect ways that serve you and the collective. Take a deep breath and allow yourself to be nourished through this journey! 

Thank you so much for being with me on my own journey. I am honored to guide and serve you in this next chapter!

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Hi, I'm Hilary

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