There is an aliveness, a power, a fierceness waking up in me that I have never experienced before. And I know I’m not alone.
It’s been a theme in Akashic readings as well — grieving the versions of ourselves we were and making space for who we’re becoming. A death and rebirth. A coming home. A remembering.

And yet, I know I have this. Just like I know you have this.
My guides have my back. The Universe is holding, supporting, and loving me every step of the way. Just like it is for you.
Here are some of the questions I’m currently exploring in my Akashic Records (you could bring these into your Records and/or explore them through your journaling practice) —
✧ What aspects of my past self do I need to release to fully embrace who I’m becoming?
✧ How can I best navigate the fear of stepping into my power?
✧ How can I create space for my expansion?
✧ What support is available to me as I navigate this season of life?
Here’s to having the courage to become the fullest expression of ourselves.