5 Tools For Creating Spaciousness In Your Life



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When you create space in your life, you have more room to invite in Miracles and live as your Highest Self. In this post, I share 5 energetic tools you can utilize to create spaciousness.

As a collective, we are living through intense times. We continue to move through a global pandemic, and the world is faced with many challenges and transitions that can permeate into our everyday lives, making us feel understandably heavy and energetically drained.

At the same time, we are all individually moving through things in our own lives. No matter what is going on around us, we still need to show up for our careers, our families, our friends, our communities, and most importantly, for ourselves.

My deepest prayer for you is that you are able to lead with love and compassion, showing up as your highest, most authentic, aligned self — even in times of turmoil. I know that can be challenging, and I feel it too. 

That is why I have cultivated regular practices that help ground me, bring me back to self, and create spaciousness in my life. 

We have all been given this precious life to live. We’re on this wild, beautiful, unpredictable journey, so let’s take time to breathe, make space, and enjoy the ride. 

In this post, we will explore:

  • Why creating space is essential 

  • 5 energetic tools for creating spaciousness

  • The importance of setting boundaries

  • What the practice of presence means + how to do it

  • How to tap into the power of prayer

  • How to connect to your intuition through meditation

  • How to create a more spacious life with the Akashic Records


Why create space?

When I talk about creating space, I mean energetic spaciousness — mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. What does this feel like? It feels like you are present in your life, free to be yourself, and open to beautiful new possibilities.  

When you are constantly constricted by other people’s energy and expectations, external distractions, pressures, and looping thoughts, you don’t have the time, energy, or space to connect to your Higher Self and to tap into what you really want and who you really are.

Creating spaciousness means expanding your life, which leaves more room to invite in Miracles.  

5 tools for creating spaciousness:

1) Setting boundaries

Setting boundaries creates spaciousness to tap back into your Truth, remember your inner voice, and have more time and energy to just BE. 

This is an invitation to take inventory of where your time and energy are going. Ask yourself these questions: What are the people, places, and experiences that are draining me of energy? What am I saying “yes” to that I want to say “no” to? What is my relationship with the word “no”? Am I comfortable with it? Does it scare me? 

So many people believe they need to put others’ needs before their own, leaving them drained. I want you to know that it’s absolutely NOT selfish to fill yourself up first. In fact, you will be better able to serve your family, friends, community, and coworkers if you’re energized and fulfilled. 

Boundaries are a beautiful way to protect your energy — not only for yourself but for those you’re practicing them with. If it’s a “no” for you, it won’t serve the other person either. Plus, you setting a boundary will model to them how to set healthy boundaries in their own lives. 

Start to feel empowered in the word “no” — it’s a complete sentence! When you set a boundary that’s in alignment for you, you’re honoring a piece of yourself and creating space in your life.

2) The practice of presence

With so much distraction in our world, it’s not easy to be present. We are constantly bombarded with messages, requests, and others’ needs, so we often approach our lives from a place of reactivity. But what if instead of reliving what already happened or projecting what hasn’t happened yet, we drop into our hearts and discover how we can support ourselves right now? 

The simplest and quickest way to come back to presence is through breath. I invite you to connect to each inhale and exhale. Allow your breath to ground and anchor you to the present moment. For a lot of people this feels comfortable, but I promise it will feel more natural over time. That’s why we call it a practice! 

When you drop into the infiniteness of the present moment, so much opens up for you.

3) The power of prayer

As humans we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to have all the answers, to have it all figured out. Spaciousness opens up when you surrender that need for control and trust in something bigger than yourself. Prayer is an act of surrender. 

Prayer can be whatever you want it to be. It can be religious but it doesn’t have to be. You can pray to God, the Divine, Source, the Universe, or whatever feels true to you. No matter what prayer looks like for you, it is a beautiful language to be in conversation with your guides. 

You can pray for support, strength, peace, or whatever you need, trusting that your guides are there to hold you and they want to support you. You don’t have to carry it all on your own.

4) Tapping into your intuition through meditation

We spend so much time in the practical mind analyzing and intellectualizing that we often overlook our intuition, the inner voice within all of us. Your intuition is quiet, subtle, and soft. Sometimes it comes through just once, so it’s important to give yourself opportunities to listen. 

Meditation allows you to tune out distractions so you can tune into your own power. When you give yourself those moments of quiet, you can hear that soft voice come through. Remember, no one has the answers like you do. Meditation helps you tap into your inner guidance system and create spaciousness to support yourself, instead of looking to others for the answers. 

For more practices to tap into your intuition, check out this blog post. 

5) The Akashic Records

As with meditation, the Akashic Records are a powerful tool to strengthen your intuition. Within the energetic library of the Akashic Records, you can reaffirm your inner voice and support yourself in all areas of your life — from business, to relationships, money, wellness, energy, community, and self-love. 

As I said before, you can create spaciousness by surrendering and trusting something outside of yourself. The Akashic Records are a supportive source of infiniteness available to you. You don’t need to feel like you have all the answers. You can bring your questions to the Records and feel held in their wisdom. 

If you are experiencing an intense time or a period of transition, the Records can be especially helpful to guide you. In this post, I share how to phrase questions for the Akashic Records in times of transition. 

What these tools all have in common: the practice of receiving

Each of these tools invites you into a space of receiving. Being able to ask for help and actually receive can be challenging for some — it’s a practice that takes time and nurturing. Just know that you are more than worthy of receiving support, love, time, energy, and spaciousness. It is all meant for you.


Our lives are so often filled with intensity, distractions, and pressure from ourselves and others. In these tumultuous times, you can turn to these practices to create spaciousness in your life and nourish your Soul.

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